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Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum Reopens!

Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum Reopens!

We have reopened to the public with new exhibitions on display, and another chance for you to see Ken Done's exhibition that was cut short due to COVID-19.

Our opening hours will remain from 10am to 5pm, Monday to Saturday, and we ask that visitors adhere to social distancing guidelines while inside the building. Cleaning measures are in place and only 20 people at one time will be allowed inside

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The 45th Martin Hanson Memorial Art Awards 2020

The 45th Martin Hanson Memorial Art Awards 2020

The Martin Hanson Memorial Art Awards will be held again this year, marking the 45th anniversary of the Art Awards in 2020. Since its inauguration in 1976, the Art Awards have become one of Queensland’s most prestigious regional art events and is eagerly anticipated each year. The 2019 edition of the Art Awards attracted 372 entries from established, emerging and amateur artists from across the

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RADF funding e-celebration

RADF funding e-celebration

Local artists progressing their skills thanks to latest RADF grants


Local artists are developing new media skills, attending songwriting workshops and hosting cinematography workshops, as part of 10 arts and cultural initiatives to financially benefit during the latest round of the Gladstone Regional Council Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF).

Gladstone Region Councillor and RADF chair Glenn

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International Museum Day - Art Competition Winners

International Museum Day - Art Competition Winners

Thank you to all who entered our International Museum Day Art Competition!

The entries received were all in the 18+ age bracket so the 2 original Ken Done prizes and 1 smaller Ken Done prize have been given. 


And the winners are...

Katrina Elliott , Angela Heffer and Natalie Parker!


Katrina Elliott

"Whist the template stands still and acts like a vessel, similar to that of museum, underneath

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Calling artists - residency opportunity

Calling artists - residency opportunity

Gladstone Region artists are encouraged to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to the Central Queensland Regional Arts Services Network (CQ-RASN), during their ‘At Home’ $1500 Artist in Residency program.

An initiative of the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland, RASN is a new model of regional arts delivery, enabling diverse communities to connect, encouraging cross-regional

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ANZAC Day Resources

ANZAC Day Resources

With so many children learning from home we have collated some ANZAC Day learning resources aimed at Preschool, Primary, and Middle School Children for you to use at home.

Digital poppy art

Local artist Andreia Pereira has also put together this fantastic digital poppy tutorial for you to try at home!

The artist is using Tayasui Sketches, a free app for iOS 9.O and above. But you should be able

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Take pART - Banksias and the Botanists 'Know your place'

Take pART - Banksias and the Botanists 'Know your place'

Following the successful 2019 Gladstone Region Take pART project, the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum called on local artists to develop collaborative visual and performing arts proposals once again, during Take pART Act II.

Seven local artists expressed their interest for 11 project proposals, developing a variety of creative pop-up community arts opportunities.

Local artist Melissa

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Closure of the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum

Closure of the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum

Gladstone Regional Council (GRC) wishes to advise that all its Customer Service Centres, Rural Transaction Centres and Arts, Culture and Community facilities will be closing until further notice.

GRC is taking a proactive approach to the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, which is being monitored daily, with Council acting on the advice of Queensland Health and the Queensland and

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Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Important Update

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Important Update

Gladstone Regional Council has been monitoring and responding appropriately regarding the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, with our priority being the safety of the community and our people.

To ensure the safety of employees and patrons, Council has decided to cancel all public programs up to 1 June.

This decision has not been made lightly, and we recognise the potential impacts this