
The Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum was established in 1985 and is dedicated to promoting art, culture, and heritage for the communities of the Gladstone Region and Central Queensland.  We are also custodians for the preservation of the region's history and cultural collections we hold onsite.

Housed in the Heritage Listed old Gladstone Town Hall with a purpose-built extension, the Gallery & Museum is linked by a glass bridge walkway that accommodates the 19th Century marble statue of the region's namesake, William Ewart Gladstone. The historic Town Hall building was erected during the Economic Depression in 1934, while the new O'Connell wing was added in 2003 and boasts a dramatic aluminium and stainless steel installation on its façade, 151°16' E  23°50' S. This wonderful sculptural artwork is by local artist, Margaret Worthington, and is inspired by the harbour and shipping charts of Port Curtis.

The Gallery & Museum includes four exhibition spaces known as Town Hall Gallery, Front Gallery, Museum Room and O'Connell Space. Exhibitions of art and history are shown throughout these spaces and are continually transformed every 6 to 8 weeks. The building's four exhibition spaces are on ground level with a workshop studio space accessible downstairs with lift access.