Gladstone Region RADF


Gladstone RADF Introduction


  • The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is delivered as a partnership between the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland and Gladstone Council.
  • RADF promotes the role and value of arts, culture and heritage as key drivers of diverse and inclusive communities and strong regions. RADF invests in local arts and cultural priorities, as determined by local communities, across Queensland.
  • RADF funds are to be used to suit the needs of the Gladstone community. 


RADF objectives are to support arts and cultural activities that:

  • Increase access to arts and cultural experiences in regional Queensland.
  • Grow employment and capacity building opportunities for artists across regional Queensland.
  • Deliver against local arts and cultural priorities (see the funding priorities) and promote the value of arts, culture and heritage.
Funding Priorities
  1. Develop Leadership, Skills, and Resilience in the Arts

This priority focuses on building the capacity of individuals and organizations in the arts sector through training and professional development.

  1. Co-Create Arts and Culture through Collaborative Partnerships

This priority focuses on fostering collaborative partnerships to co-design and plan arts initiatives that reflect the community’s needs and aspirations.

  1. Create Social Connections and Ensure Accessibility in the Arts

This priority aims to foster community cohesion while ensuring that arts and cultural experiences are accessible to everyone.

Funding Rounds 

The timeframes for each round is based on the financial year.  There are two rounds per financial year.  Within each financial year there is also an Out of Round application for projects less then $2000, they are reserved for projects that fall outside the main rounds.  Significant for each application, is to adhere to the due dates as no amendments or late submissions will be accepted past the due date.  It may take up to two months from the due date for the application to be approved. 




Expressions of Interest Round 2

1 February

16 February

Round 2

17 February

16 March

Expressions of interest Round 1

18 July

31 July

Round 1

1 August

29  August

Out of Round

1 July

30 June the following year

Essential Support 

It is essential to read the RADF Gladstone Guidelines to support your application.

Contact the Education and Engagement Officer through email or phone 4976 6766 to gain further information.


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