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Prints from around the World land at the Gallery & Museum

Prints from around the World land at the Gallery & Museum

New to the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum is Works from the 2012 and 2016 Pacific Perimeter Print Exchange: Vie De Pacifique–Pacific Life / Vie Du Pacifique II.

This innovative exchange of contemporary prints was first initiated in 2011–12 as Vie de Pacifique–Pacific Life by Dr Jenny Sanzaro-Nishimura while she was president of Impress printmakers Studio, Brisbane. It was

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Highlights from QAGOMA’s Asia Pacific Triennial Visit the Gladstone Region

Highlights from QAGOMA’s Asia Pacific Triennial Visit the Gladstone Region

A selection of works drawn from the ‘7th Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art’ (APT7) held at Brisbane’s Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA) will visit the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum when ‘Indo Pop: Indonesia Art from APT7’ opens this week.

Since beginning its tour in 2015, ‘Indo Pop' has already visited ten other regional venues.

The Gladstone Region

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Free 3D printing workshops to inspire our region's youngsters

Free 3D printing workshops to inspire our region's youngsters

Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum (GRAGM) will inspire our region's future inventors, designers and engineers with free 3D printing workshops in the mid-year school holidays.

Two, half-day immersion workshops have been tailored to primary school age participants and will be held on June 29 and 30 at the Gallery & Museum.

Gladstone Region Mayor Matt Burnett said the workshops were

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Shapeshifters: 3D Printing the Future

Shapeshifters: 3D Printing the Future

What if 3D printing gave you the ability to design your own life? With clothes being printed from desktop computers and organs being manufactured in labs, this rapidly evolving technology continues to revolutionise design as we know it.

The Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum will soon welcome the touring exhibition, Shapeshifters: 3D Printing the Future, as a playful exploration of 3D

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Saiki Children's Day - Record breaking attendance expected

Saiki Children's Day - Record breaking attendance expected

Staff and volunteers of the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum are gearing up for this year's Saiki Children's Day event.  Almost 1000 primary school aged children from across the region are expected to walk thought the doors between 10am and 1pm on Friday 19 May 2017, ready for another fun-filled experience.  

The successful annual event has been running for the past seven years and

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Teens raise awareness through Love Bites

Teens raise awareness through Love Bites

May is 'Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month'. To raise awareness of these issues within the Gladstone Region, the Love Bites program was initiated by the Coordinated Community Response to Domestic and Family Violence Committee (CCRDFV).  They commenced the program five years ago and the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum has proudly displayed the artwork for the past four

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Gallery & Museum adds GPC winning art work to local art collection

Gallery & Museum adds GPC winning art work to local art collection

Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum (GRAGM) will add an award-winning art work, generously gifted by Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC), to its local art collection.

Bundaberg Tugs by Susan Draney was recently selected as the 2017 winning entry in the Open Category of GPC's Paint the Port art competition and was acquired by GPC.

Gladstone Region Mayor Matt Burnett said GRAGM was pleased

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ANZAC Day Book Launch:  War Memorials of the Gladstone Region

ANZAC Day Book Launch: War Memorials of the Gladstone Region

Staff and volunteers of the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum created and launched a special 112 page publication in time for ANZAC Day 2017.

The first edition of War Memorials of the Gladstone Region was presented to the public on April 25, in conjunction with this year's ANZAC Day: Lest We Forget exhibition, which is currently on display until May 31.

The publication serves as a

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ANZAC Day services across the region

ANZAC Day services across the region

Residents are invited to commemorate ANZAC Day on Tuesday, April 25, with services being conducted across the Gladstone Region.

Dawn and morning services will be conducted in Agnes Water/Seventeen Seventy, Bororen, Boyne Island, Calliope, Gladstone, Miriam Vale, Mount Larcom, Rosedale, South End at Curtis Island, and Turkey Beach.

For more information visit Council's website