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GAC MEDIA RELEASE_ Green Scenes Winners Announced

GAC MEDIA RELEASE_ Green Scenes Winners Announced

The Gladstone Arts Council Inc. was pleased to announce the winners of the annual Green Scenes: Environmental Short Film Competition film competition.

The Ultimate Film Prize, an iPad Mini 16GB, was awarded to Tallulah Marsh and Jo Duke for their entry entitled GROWiNg IN GLADSTONE.

The Supreme Filmmaker Prize, a professional development session with Capricorn Film Festival's Mr

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A Time To Reflect

A Time To Reflect

Join Cr Gail Sellers, Mayor of Gladstone Region, at the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum from 6pm, Friday May 15, for the official launch of Reflections of Yesteryear, a fine art exhibition by Marie Green.

After a number of successful solo exhibitions, nationally and aboard, and several first prize winnings at prestigious art shows, the Agnes Water artist Marie Green, committed two

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Under 8s Week activities at the Gallery & Museum - Tuesday May 19

Under 8s Week activities at the Gallery & Museum - Tuesday May 19

Reserve your spot today in one or all three of the FREE Under 8s Week programs that the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum has running Tuesday, May 19. 

Two 'Hands On' art workshops will be led by local artist Sue Daw where kids can use their imagination to paint vibrant paper bag artworks.  The first workshop will begin at 10.30am for parents and their little ones, 4

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Local short film festival with an environmental flavour

Local short film festival with an environmental flavour

Filmmakers across the region and beyond are gearing up in preparation for the Gladstone Arts Council's 2015 Green Scenes: Environmental Short Film Festival.

Initiated in 2008, this annual event is hosted in conjunction with Gladstone Regional Council's EcoFest celebrations and calls for entries from groups or individuals of all ages and levels of experience.

This year, the call is going out for

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Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum Society Golding Bursary winner announced

Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum Society Golding Bursary winner announced

The Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum Society is delighted to announce Cassandra Paddick as the winner of the 2015 Golding Visual Arts Bursary.

Cassandra is a 20 year old student who completed her secondary education at Toolooa State High School in 2012.  She achieved impressive results with subject Awards in Art, Creative Writing, Dance and received the Senior Arts / English

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2015 Green Scenes: Environmental Short Film Festival

2015 Green Scenes: Environmental Short Film Festival


The Gladstone Arts Council is looking forward to the launch of the 2015 Green Scenes: Environmental Short Film Festival project.

Initiated in 2008, this annual event is hosted in conjunction with Gladstone Regional Council's EcoFest celebrations.

Each year, the Gladstone Arts Council calls for entries from groups or individuals of all ages and levels of experience, to

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The Beef Capital’s Multi-Million Dollar Art Collection Tours to the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum

The Beef Capital’s Multi-Million Dollar Art Collection Tours to the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum

Rockhampton is well-known for its beef and bulls but is not a place many would immediately associate with a nationally significant, multi-million dollar art collection. Thanks to an unlikely 1970s fundraising drive, led by a controversial Mayor (better known for being shot by his mistress,) today, the Rockhampton Art Gallery houses works by renowned Australian artists including Sidney Nolan,

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'Centenary of the First World War' Exhibition To Open Wednesday April 22

'Centenary of the First World War' Exhibition To Open Wednesday April 22

The annual ANZAC Day: Lest We Forget exhibition, currently on display at the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum, is an opportunity for locals and visitors to pay their respects to those Australian men and women who have served during war time.


This year, Lest We Forget remembers 100 years since the start of the First World War, a momentous occasion that touched the lives of almost

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The transformative and immersive qualities of camouflage and kaleidoscopes will be explored when ‘Kids on Tour: Patterns Bandits’ visits Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum on Saturday April 11, 10am - 1pm.  ‘Pattern Bandits’ is the latest Kids on Tour program from the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA). The regional tour has been drawn from the exhibition displayed

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To be involved or not to be involved?  That is the question…

To be involved or not to be involved? That is the question…

There are numerous opportunities for local artists to be involved in upcoming exhibitions and events at the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum.  For promising young actors and actresses "All The World's A Stage" is calling for performers (aged 11 - 17) to reserve their place in a FREE 3 day acting workshop run by local theatre group, The Bunbury Players.  At the end of the workshop, The