Local artists, arts and cultural workers, members of cultural groups, local organisations or associations and people active within the arts community are eligible to be members of their local RADF Committee. Committee members can be elected through a public election by either show of hands or secret ballot. They can also be invited onto the Committee by Gladstone Regional Council.
Council appoints a Councillor to Chair to RADF Committee, and appoints two ex-officio members, Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum Manager & Curator and Gladstone Entertainment Convention Centre Venue Leader, along with support staff member, Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum RADF Liaison Officer.
Committee members participate in RADF Committee training, promote the RADF Program within their own networks and provide mentoring assistance to grant applicants.
Members may serve for a maximum term of 4 years, with an option to step down after two years. Committee members who have served for a continuous four-year term are required to ‘rest’ for a period of 12 months before being eligible for re-election.
Committee and community training opportunities are offered, side-by-side throughout the year and all are encouraged to participate.