Local War Memorials

The Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum (GRAGM) has produced the book, War Memorials of the Gladstone Region, to commemorate the fallen and those who served Australia in the armed services from the Gladstone Region.

The Gallery & Museum permanently displays the Town of Gladstone and Shire of Calliope, Roll of Honour.  A fixture in the Museum Room gallery space, the elegant board lists the names of men and women who served during the First World War. 

The Gallery & Museum is opened on ANZAC Day every year so that the public can visit this Memorial and pay their respects.

The materials collected in this guide were collated originally for the Queensland War Memorial Register which was compiled in 2009 and organised by the Queensland Department of Public Works, Queensland Government www.qldwarmemorials.com.au

Visit the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum (GRAGM) today to collect your free copy of War Memorials of the Gladstone Region.

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