Town Hall Tour (Primary School Level)

The Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum is located within the Heritage Listed old Gladstone Town Hall. A specially devised tour, exploring the history and changes of the building's development is available for free for primary school aged children.

Guided by the Education Officer, students are invited to learn about the many uses the building has had; originally as the Gladstone City Council Chambers and Entertainment Centre, through to the current day use as an Art Gallery and Museum.

The specially designed tour begins with an engaging PowerPoint discussion that includes historical facts and photos. During the presentation, children are asked to fill in the answers to the accompanying Listening & Learning questions. Once complete, students are invited to break into small groups for an interactive "Treasure Hunt" throughout the space, discovering the remaining Evidence of the Past.

This FREE tour takes approximately 1 hour to complete and is a Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum initiative, aligning with the current Year 2 Queensland School Curriculum. All material is provided FREE, however bookings are required.

To book your group in for a Town Hall Tour, download the attached Group Booking Form and return it to