Grant Writing for the Arts Workshop - Agnes Water
Join grant writer and arts consultant Olivia Everitt for a three-hour Grant Writing for the Arts workshop (beginner-intermediate level). This workshop explores the nuts and bolts of writing successful grant applications for arts projects, artists of any discipline and arts organisations.
This workshop is suitable for individual artists, arts organisations or collectives, festival organisers, event managers and arts workers seeking funding for their creative practice, organisation or project.
Topics covered during this session include, but are not limited to:
2pm-5pm, Thursday 13 February
Agnes Water Meeting Room, 71 Springs Road, Agnes Water
Free event, bookings required on 4976 6766 or
Olivia Everitt is a grant writer, arts consultant and workshop facilitator with over 14 years’ experience working with not-for-profits, local government and in the arts and cultural sector. Currently based in Gympie, Queensland, Olivia enjoys working with clients across rural and regional Queensland and beyond, on both short-term projects and an ongoing basis to provide specialist support in grant writing, arts and economic development. Olivia has been a national grants peer assessor with both Creative Australia and Regional Arts Australia and holds a Master of Business (Arts and Cultural Management from Deakin University, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Arts) from the Queensland University of Technology. For more information: