A Day in the Garden
Enjoy A Day in the Garden, a special event hosted at the Art Gallery & Museum to celebrate the opening of the exhibition Hybrid Greening. A relaxing morning of conversation, art, shopping and swapping, while enjoying a cuppa from Deja Brew Coffee.
10am-2pm, Saturday 25 June
Meet some fellow plant lovers and add to your collection by swapping some treasures from your garden.
Tondoon Botanic Gardens have also generously donated various plants from their Port Curtis Collection to include in the swap!
Veronika Zeil and Nanette Balchin will present an artist talk in response to their exhibition, mosaic and textile installations together with immersion into a familiar local ecosystem and abstract soundbites, offering possibilities to transform yourself through AR technology.
RSVPs appreciated, 4976 6766 or gragm@gladstone.qld.gov.au.
Brookdal Plants will also have a selection of exquisite hydro plants for sale.