Ornamentomology showcases works by selected contemporary Queensland jewellers and metalsmiths responding to images of insects.
Curated by Kirsten Fitzpatrick and Trevor Moore for the Jewellers and Metalsmiths Group of Queensland, Ornamentomology includes superb works by both established and emerging jewellers alongside, and in the context of, a remarkable collection of images from the Queensland University's Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis which inspired them.
This exhibition draws on both the very long tradition of insect related imagery in jewellery and bodily adornment, as well as the more recent wave of images exploring the crossover between science and art.
Ornamentomology will be officially opened by Liz Shaw, Lecturer in Jewellery and Small Objects at Queensland College of Art Griffith University on Monday, 17 March at 6pm.
Invitation to Official Opening 17 March 2008 (PDF 203kb)
Toured by Museum & Gallery Services Queensland.
Image: D. Walter: Scapheremaeus. Microscopy image from Ornamentomology.