Helmut Breckwoldt

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Helmut Breckwoldt works on display at Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum

Helmut Breckwoldt


A commemorative exhibition revisiting one of Gladstone’s most well-respected artists, Helmut Breckwoldt. Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum are fortunate to have several of his works in the permanent collection, currently on display to celebrate what would of been his 100th birthday. 

Breckwoldt’s works continue to resonate with our regional communities, particularly Gladstone.

In 1972 Helmut began Gladstone Picture Framing, at first operating from his print gallery at the Potter’s Place when it was located in Tank Street. The business continued to grow until it was necessary to move into its present location at 59 Central Lane. The Gladstone Picture Framing is now owned and operated by the Ridden family.

The exhibition has been prepared in collaboration with the artist’s family.

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